Thursday, June 3, 2010

A First Christmas, Friends and Festivity

Its bedtime on Christmas Eve...

"Sam had received a model aeroplane and had taken it upstairs to bed with him. He had put it in his special niche next to his bed, a place reserved for the favourite toy of the day.

He had then cuddled himself tightly under the duvet with his one and only Teddy, much loved and a little worn from numerous hugs and boisterous play and Pokey the Hedgehog, a hand puppet of a hedgehog that he loved to have games with.

Elannah had her new dancing shoes beside her bed. They were of ultra-soft white leather and, when she had tried them on, they had hugged her feet like welcome friends. She knew they would be great to dance in. Elannah loved to dance and often just started to boogie-about whenever she heard some music. Her mother said she was born with 'boogie-bones' that just had to dance whenever they heard a beat.

Elannah knew that her mother had had a similar wish to take new shoes to bed. When she was young, about the same age as Elannah was now, she had gone to bed with a pair of bright red shiny boots she had been given one Christmas. She had not been allowed to 'wear' them to bed but had taken them and hugged them under the covers anyway.

Her mother, Gran, had found her tightly hugging the boots whilst fast asleep when she had checked on her later that night.

This evening, with much yawns and excitement, both children had listened surprisingly quietly as their parents read them a story each. Then, despite the anticipation of the coming day, they both drifted off happily into the fantastical world of their dreams."

Join them soon as they have a Christmas Adventure of Fantastic imagination.

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