Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Another very kind review

A 'Children's Book' with Very Mature Writing, June 16, 2010

By Grady Harp (Los Angeles, CA United States) - See all my reviews

This review is from: Of Lights in the Night; Friends and Adventure: The Everlasting and Fantastical Adventures of Elannah and Sam (Paperback)

Sean Noonan has turned from being a 'seadog' sailor to writing books aimed at children's imaginations and entertainment. With the publication of OF LIGHTS IN THE NIGHT: FRIENDS AND ADVENTURE he seems to be embarking on an ongoing series 'The Everlasting and Fantastical Adventures of Elannah and Sam', and if this premiere offering is setting a standard, it would seem that his future is secure. Noonan writes exhilarating fantasies tinged with just enough of real life situations and he never once stoops to 'dumbing down' his audience. This story is beautifully constructed literature, not just easy-to-read children's level style. And that is what in the end will make him durable.

Elannah and Sam enter dreamtime riding on flying bikes, swirling off to adventures accompanied by their friend Rodger the Badger who spins tales of a world of fanciful fireworks in a display mounted by the great wizard Grumphspawn who dwells in the Great Northern Mountains. Off they fly, meet up with the dwarf Arnold, and are swept away by the gorgeous fireworks (that have a special afterglow!) and encounter a troll along the way whose reputation is gradually changed as Elannah and Sam discover that the troll's dyspepsia is due to the fact that he is lonely! The story resolved and the lessons learned and Elannah and Sam are back to the bed to waken after such dreams.

The book becomes a bit 'cute' by including the drawings of Sean Noonan's 6-year-old daughter Elannah, but the tenderness overcomes this distraction. Noonan should seriously consider partnering with a gifted illustrator whose additions to his marvelous texts would make them best sellers. Grady Harp, June 10
Thanks with all my heart,

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