Tuesday, November 24, 2009

What the Mother in Law wrote...

Hi Sean,

Well !!! Such hidden talents. You are a dark horse. That is a marvellous story Sean. I thoroughly enjoyed it. It is very imaginitave, exciting, funny and I had to keep reading it to see what happened next. I really like the characters and Elannah and Sam must love to hear about themselves in the story. Your descriptions are excellent and I could picture all the fireworks. On a critical note you might want to check some of the spellings and some of the words might be a bit adult for young children to understand but that is all. Are you going to try to get it published because you might have something here. Grumphspawn is a wonderful name and could be a good character for a series of future stories. I am looking forward to reading the next one.

Sandra and Charles

1 comment:

  1. Woop-woop - go Sean, well done you !!! Cant wait to read them all. Hope the creative juices keep on flowing - remeber what I said about keeping and jotting down notes and ideas in a book..... (for later !) and a character matrix too. GOOD LUCK and hugs
    Marsh & Alex x
