Friday, May 14, 2010

A First Christmas, Friends and Festivity by Sean Noonan

Here is a taster about mushrooms from the book....

"I have a paper bag of smelly wild mushrooms, from our last visit to the 'spooky woods' with Dad, for Rodger the Badger as I know he loves to snuffle through the woods looking for them, and for the Bridge Troll I have a brass bell that I found near the golf course and polished up." Sam told Elannah.

"Smelly mushrooms?... Phewww!"

"Not that kind of smelly! The nice kind of smelly, you know.... fragrant." He made a gesture of kissing his fingers like his father did when he had tasted something particularly delicious when he was cooking in the kitchen.

"Oh, well.... that'll be fine then." Elannah still wrinkled her nose up a little at the thought of 'smelly mushrooms'.

Enjoy Enormously!
Sean Noonan

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