Monday, April 19, 2010

What the publishers thought of the book.

Here are some words from the assessor about the first book...

"I think you have crafted a very quality piece of literature. It is obvious that you have done a significant amount planning and preparation in crafting your work. I really enjoyed your narrative voice – it was familiar and fluid. Right from the start your plot was very engaging. You do a nice job of slowly making your way through the story. Adventure stories for older adolescent readers take a certain “something” to make them good – you have it. This is a book that both boys and girls will enjoy. You are a very believable writer thanks to your character development and your description. So many authors rush into their story’s plots without really developing them – not you. Everything about your work is nicely developed – round characters, interesting plot that keeps your attention. Your book read like a movie in my mind. You have crafted an excellent piece here."

lisa c at outskirtspress

Humbling words, I hope everyone likes the book as much.
Sean Noonan

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